Here are a few of the frequently asked questions. To provide you with the best customer experience, your feedback is greatly encouraged. If you have any questions please send me an email at 


Q. How long should I advertise for?

If you find something that is profitable or beneficial for your business, then why would you ever stop it? I know many of you are thinking about the costs when you ask this question, but I assure you that if you let the cost psych you out of growing your business, then you will never reach your full potential. 

Q. Is there a contract?

A. No my service runs on a Bi weekly time frame, I highly recommend that you stick with it for at least 3 months.However my goal is to make you profitable in the first month and it happens often, please note I can’t guarantee that though since everyone’s situation, service, location, pictures, etc are different.

Q. What if I’m not good at selling or closing the deal?

A. No problem, I have a guide for this exact thing that you will receive with your order, along side that I will personally take a look at your responses and give you feedback to improve them anytime you want! 



Q. How long does it take to get results?

A. I’ve seen people get bookings within an hour, within a week, within 2 weeks, and sometimes not even in the first month (but that’s very rare). There are many factors, which makes it hard for an exact time frame. Some of the factors include what services or products we are running ads for, how much competition you have, the quality of your content, your communication skills, your ad budget, your location, and so much more! As you can see, there is no black and white answer for this question. I can’t guarantee that you’ll go from having 0 bookings to a ton of bookings in only a few weeks of working with me. 

Q. Is Instagram included in your service?

A. Yes it is! All the ads I create will show up on both Facebook and Instagram unless otherwise requested. This allows the Facebook algorithms to have more freedom in finding the perfect people to show your ads to. I can also do Instagram-only ads if requested. 


Q. Which currency will I be charged in?

A. All orders are processed in Canadian dollars, you will checkout using CAN at the most current exchange rate.

 Q. Who can I contact if I have a problem with my order?

A. All inquiries can be forwarded to

Q. How can I pay?

A. I accept all Major Credit Cards: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex and also Paypal.

Q. Is the checkout on this site safe and secure?

A. You can be absolutely sure that all purchases here are safe and secure.

Q. If I enter my email address will you sell my information?

A. I will not sell my customers information. Emails are strictly for follow-up and to send promotions and coupons for discounts.